There are misunderstandings regarding who the Pillars in the spiritual family of God are, but the answer is to look into the natural family.
This is Part 2 of the Spiritual Family of God series. Click to read Part 1
The spiritual family of God is the Assembly of Jesus on earth. It is an “exclusive member-only club” restricted to those who have experienced the following:
- Justification – through Redemption by the blood of Jesus (the Born again experience –Col 1:14, Joh 3:3-6).
- Sanctification – through the Baptisms of the Holy Spirit – the Seal, the DNA of our salvation (Eph 4:30, Heb 10:10).
- DNA: Just like the same blood runs in the DNA of the natural family, so also the spiritual family. The Holy Spirit is the DNA and runs in every member of the the spiritual family (Eph 2;13, 1Pet 1:18-19).
- PARENTS: As there are parents that birth, nurture, direct, and love in the natural family, so it is in the spiritual family - household of faith (Gal 4:19, 1Cor 4:15, 1Pet 2:2, Phm 1:10).
- FOUNDATION: A solid godly foundation by the parents makes the home a haven of peace, so also in the spiritual family (Eph 2:20).