The Family of God Part 1
When we understand the nature and operation of the natural family, it will be easy to understand the nature and operation of the spiritual family. This is because in His omnipotence, God patterns the spiritual family after the natural family on earth (Mar 3:25).
We know that those who claim to be members of natural family are related by blood and are connected to the same DNA. This happens when parents come together to express love in union and a birth occurs as the product of such union. That child carries the same blood code and DNA of the parents. So, it is in the spiritual family.
We know that those who claim to be members of natural family are related by blood and are connected to the same DNA. This happens when parents come together to express love in union and a birth occurs as the product of such union. That child carries the same blood code and DNA of the parents. So, it is in the spiritual family.