"Brethren, let every man, wherein he is called, therein abide with God." (1Cor. 7:24)
Only God can do His own work His own way. But we rarely allow Him to. We are overly consumed by sincere zeal to work for God without ensuring that it is done according to His pattern. God's ultimate desire is that all things be according to His design. However, traditions, doctrines, religious customs and denominational culture influence our sense of duty. Our concept of duty is basically to impress God. Many times, this results into doing so well, what shouldn't have been done at all.
Natural or human ability is a disadvantage in God's work. The more of these we have, the more likely we are to miss it. The more strength, qualification ability and gift we posses, the less usable we are to Him. He does not need anything we posses, He needs us.
A horse-rider warrior does not need the suggestions, strategies or ideas of the horse, he only needs it's availability. If we will just shut up and allow Jesus to ride on us, then, He will achieve what He wills to achieve. He knows what to do. We can only do as He wills, not do as we think. He must increase, we must decrease (John 3:30).
Being conscious of God's call in our lives, or having a desire to labour for God must lead us to only one thing: to know His will, His mind and His plan. God has a plan, a pattern and a goal in mind. His plan is His controlling vision. It is primordial, rooted, unchanging, eternal and bigger than us. He is building something He alone can see fully, we can only understand it by and by.
Knowledge of His plans supersedes the sincere labour without His plans. We may indeed labour; in crusades, church planting, ministry, missions, evangelism and even charity, but if it is not according to His plan, it will be torn down, regardless of its beauty, growth or fruits.
Our effort in planting tree for The Lord may produce beautiful fruits, but having a fruitful mango tree in the place designated for a less-fruitful apple tree will not alter the original plan. The mango tree may provide sustenance for thousands, but if it is not planted at the place the Master wills, designs or plans, it violates God's eternal purpose. His will is His bond, sealed by His Spirit in eternity.
For us to have any part with God and labour in His plan and according to His purpose, we must trust Him to make "known unto us the mystery of his will, according to his good pleasure which he hath purposed in himself." (Eph. 1:9). He has purposed all before the foundation of the world. Everything must be according to His will. Nothing happens beside His will.
As a true soldier of Christ, we must know our beat and remain in our duty post, active or inactive. We must die in our post. As an athlete, we must run in our lane. As a skillful labourer, we must build according to plan, regardless of our idea. It is His work, not ours.
If God calls us to only be with Him and look at His face, it's more honorable than running across the globe to bring thousands of souls from hell to Him on a daily basis. His name will be glorified on earth, not by what we do for Him. It is doing exactly what He asks us to do that gives Him glory. God judges obedience, not result.
See that your faith walk is according to His plan, purpose and pattern. He constantly warned Moses: "According to all that I shew thee, after the pattern of the tabernacle, and the pattern of all the instruments thereof, even so shall ye make it." (Exo 25:9). You will not be crowned if you out run, out shine and take the first position while running in another man's lane. He is looking for obedience, not activities.
A true soldier is he who carries out superior orders, even unto death. He is willing to lay down his life to stay the course. He signed his life for allegiance. Jesus is our example. Even when the mission became almost impossible and He could use His discretion to call myriads of angels to fight and prevail on His behalf, He surrendered, saying: "not my will, thy will be done." (Mat. 26:42). This must be our resolve as a true soldier. Stay your course. Die in your duty post. Mark 13:33-36.
Natural or human ability is a disadvantage in God's work. The more of these we have, the more likely we are to miss it. The more strength, qualification ability and gift we posses, the less usable we are to Him. He does not need anything we posses, He needs us.
A horse-rider warrior does not need the suggestions, strategies or ideas of the horse, he only needs it's availability. If we will just shut up and allow Jesus to ride on us, then, He will achieve what He wills to achieve. He knows what to do. We can only do as He wills, not do as we think. He must increase, we must decrease (John 3:30).
Being conscious of God's call in our lives, or having a desire to labour for God must lead us to only one thing: to know His will, His mind and His plan. God has a plan, a pattern and a goal in mind. His plan is His controlling vision. It is primordial, rooted, unchanging, eternal and bigger than us. He is building something He alone can see fully, we can only understand it by and by.
Knowledge of His plans supersedes the sincere labour without His plans. We may indeed labour; in crusades, church planting, ministry, missions, evangelism and even charity, but if it is not according to His plan, it will be torn down, regardless of its beauty, growth or fruits.
Our effort in planting tree for The Lord may produce beautiful fruits, but having a fruitful mango tree in the place designated for a less-fruitful apple tree will not alter the original plan. The mango tree may provide sustenance for thousands, but if it is not planted at the place the Master wills, designs or plans, it violates God's eternal purpose. His will is His bond, sealed by His Spirit in eternity.
For us to have any part with God and labour in His plan and according to His purpose, we must trust Him to make "known unto us the mystery of his will, according to his good pleasure which he hath purposed in himself." (Eph. 1:9). He has purposed all before the foundation of the world. Everything must be according to His will. Nothing happens beside His will.
As a true soldier of Christ, we must know our beat and remain in our duty post, active or inactive. We must die in our post. As an athlete, we must run in our lane. As a skillful labourer, we must build according to plan, regardless of our idea. It is His work, not ours.
If God calls us to only be with Him and look at His face, it's more honorable than running across the globe to bring thousands of souls from hell to Him on a daily basis. His name will be glorified on earth, not by what we do for Him. It is doing exactly what He asks us to do that gives Him glory. God judges obedience, not result.
See that your faith walk is according to His plan, purpose and pattern. He constantly warned Moses: "According to all that I shew thee, after the pattern of the tabernacle, and the pattern of all the instruments thereof, even so shall ye make it." (Exo 25:9). You will not be crowned if you out run, out shine and take the first position while running in another man's lane. He is looking for obedience, not activities.
A true soldier is he who carries out superior orders, even unto death. He is willing to lay down his life to stay the course. He signed his life for allegiance. Jesus is our example. Even when the mission became almost impossible and He could use His discretion to call myriads of angels to fight and prevail on His behalf, He surrendered, saying: "not my will, thy will be done." (Mat. 26:42). This must be our resolve as a true soldier. Stay your course. Die in your duty post. Mark 13:33-36.