Warfare Prayers 1 - Bola Olu-Jordan
I bring into immediate captivity and eternal bondage every thoughts, imaginations, counsels and all mind control techniques being administered by the agents and agencies of darkness and their human and soulical affiliates to manipulate and dominate my being, I speak a permanent curse of judgment over them and I rhema extinction to their works, workings and networkings in the name of Jesus.
I take complete and absolute authority over all oppositions, proposition, insinuations, manipulations, calculations and machinations of Satan and his cohorts of spirit, soul and human hordes against me and all that I am and represent immediately and remotely. I bind them up, break them down and cast them out into dry regions. I destroy their strong cities and break their stronghold and fortresses. I break every powers, influence and manipulations of soul trespassers and soul projectors projecting to my home, business, bodies, finances, etc. I trigger the fire of the Holy Ghost to rout them in Jesus name I destroy completely, immediately, permanently and completely all psychic, occult and evil alliances, formations, co-operations, judgments, gathering, decision, conclusions, imaginations, intentions thoughts, assignments, actions, plots, designs, blue prints, counsels, carefully engineered and forcibly designed to destroy me. |
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